Sunday, February 9, 2025

Feb 8, 2025 J Pod in Haro Strait

 J Pod had been up north and was last seen a couple days ago moving down the Strait of Georgia. Would they spend time up there where the Chinook salmon are usually at this time of year?

Well what a surprise! one that ended up with an a-ha moment for (hours)!'s not spring yet, but the whales let me know I better get ready for their next appearance!  Lots to get done and be ready.

I watched the whales for several hours via the webcam, so images I took are rather awful due to the computer screen in the middle of it all.

It was interesting that there were no vocalizations for the first many hours, they were far offshore but usually if they are vocalizing even a couple miles offshore the hydrophones will pick it wasn't until 7:03 pm that I heard vocals, then at 8:17pm and again at 9:15pm.

Most of the time they were traveling north.  The Center for Whale Research boat was out there documenting them.  I think it was after they left the scene the whales began changing direction and as it got later they could be seen heading down island and it seemed like they might be heading out.  But maybe not. The backdrop was great.

-images - fuzzy - it's not your eyes!

-snow on Vancouver Island & it gives an idea how far off from SJI the research boat was...the whales were behind them.

I began focusing on the beauty of it all.

Fuzzy!..oh well, we know who they are - J Pod.  

The Center for Whale Research will have awesome images. 

So very special to see them for so many hours. And hear them too!

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Windy on Christmas

                            Oh, No!!!   Will it be THIS Windy?

                           ...well, it hasn't been this windy just yet...

                         Merry Christmas and Happy holidays!

Saturday, December 7, 2024

No Ordinary Day - 2004-My Journey Began

Going through old files today I came across this..

"Inside to begin the work day...when in he walked with "there are some crazy orcas out there."  They couldn't be heard...until out the door...a big pwoofff resounded in my ears.

Off at a run to the ocean's edge to experience their mighty majesty.  No mind do they pay to the wind and the rain and the ocean's swells, a breach here and another there. We stood in silence, me and one other, soaking in the awe of it all.  Away they went to meet the Js and do what whales do best.

People came and asked throughout the day, "When do the whales come?" We're not sure, we say, but we wait we do.  Some gave up and went on their way, but what do you know the whales still came.  The ocean was rough, a nasty flood tide, with water spraying off the rocky shore.

The L12s in part came our way and pushed on through.  The patient ones, as short or long as the wait was, had a touch of wonder enter their souls.

A good meal was eaten, my soul already filled, and the most beautiful sunset of all."

No, it was no ordinary day.

July 6, 2004

Jeanne Hyde the beginning of a 'journey' that has gone on for 20 years.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

10-11-24 Sad News - New Calf L-128

The Center for Whale Research shared some very sad news about Ballena L-90 and her new calf, L-128.

The details are on Facebook and their site.