Sunday, October 13, 2013

10-13-13 WHAT a Sound in the Night!

Sunday, October 13th
... around 10 pm...something strange coming over the Orca Sound hyrdophones...
...not a ship...
...what is it?...

..then several minutes into the listening I hear what sounds like a humpback whale when it blows...what??? (on this clip it's at about 1 minute 25 seconds)
that's strange, but quite exciting!  
...could it be a humpback?  That would be a first time hearing one under the surface - for me - ever!

I recorded the sounds on Orca Sound hydrophones for about 22 minutes. I could hear some of the sounds off Lime Kiln a little while later, but they were very faint.

  ...I sent out the recording to the Center for Whale Research and to Beam Reach...

...will let you know what the verdict is!

Got confirmation from two sources - A Humpback - first time recorded in Haro Strait!!  Too Cool!!! 

Ken Balcomb, of the Center for Whale Research let me know that it was a humpback practicing for the winter song - Wow again!   

Jason from Beam Reach let me know he got confirmation from someone.


Traci said...

This is AWESOME Jeanne!!!!!

Jeanne said...

Thanks Traci! Too much fun, eh!!

Five Star said...

Fantastic Jeanne.

Ron & a few of us have wondered if the record number of Humpback Whales we have been seeing in the Salish Sea this year would be doing any singing. We thought they would and now you have proved it:) Great job!


Five Star Whale Watching

Traci said...

Way too cool. The ONE night this week I didn't turn on the hydrophone!!
What a great catch!
How long did you hear them vocalize for?

Jeanne said...

Woweeze! Thanks Andrew!

Jeanne said...

Thanks Traci, I added the time length on Orca Sound to my post and also about Lime Kiln.

Anonymous said...

I've been listening to them on Orca Lab's hydrophones, Such a cool sound! How exciting to have them singing in our local waters. Thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

OMG Jeanne! You are amazing! Unbelievable clip! I always wondered if I would ever hear a humpback on the hydrophones! Thank you! You rock!! ~Barbara

Jeanne said...

Thanks Barbara!