Saturday, October 22, 2016

10-22-16 Humpbacks On the Hydrophones

Friday into Saturday, October 21-22
...I had heard there were several humpbacks on the west side of San Juan Island in the morning on Friday, but that was it...
...why was I surprised to hear a humpback over the Lime Kiln hydrophones starting at 8:02pm?...hum...and it (or they) went on and on...intermittent...that is until after midnight...
...yes...the vocals continued through the night and into the next day...last I heard them was around 8:30 a.m.
...I had to go see if I could find where 'the' humpback was so I took a drive...pulled over at a spot I like and there in the distance wasn't one humpback but two!...well, that was easy...
...I went to Lime Kiln and and as I was almost to the lighthouse, looking out off shore while I was walking, I caught a glimpse of another blow out of the corner of my eye - what?  3 HBs?  wow!...
...I waited and waited and soon I saw way in the distance the two...
...and then what I thought had been the third humpback actually turned into being two more!...they were much closer, as you can see...

...makes you wonder just who was doing all that chatter during the night... could have been these or even others who might have passed through...there were humpbacks spotted in at least three other areas today...'s a sample of what some of those vocals sounded like...
...the Southern Residents...well, they had come in, gone down into Puget Sound...a long way down in there and then came back out the next day and were seen heading west yesterday...

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