Monday, October 30, 2017

10-30-17 Lime Kiln Hydrophone Happenings

Tuesday, October 30th

...ever since the first ever recording of a singing male humpback back in October 2013, there is at least one that is heard over either the Lime Kiln or the Orca Sound hydrophones in October and/or November...

October 29...2:08a.m. what sounded like a male singing humpback...first one of this season to be heard over the hydrophones... about 5:45 a.m. it was singing again, but you could tell it was farther away...when it got to be daylight there were reports of five or so humpbacks south of the lighthouse...two of them came up island...and then not long after two came up island, in a bit closer, but we couldn't figure out if it was the same two, who had made a wide circle, or two others...
...J Pod was still up north and starting to come back down...
October 30...
...J Pod was reported to be out by Race appears they had come down from the north quietly in the night - one person did hear some faint whistles the night of the likely was them coming down...and by mid-afternoon I learned the were facing east (inbound) but not going anywhere... when at 10:20pm I heard one single J Pod call over the Lime Kiln hydrophones - wow! - maybe they are coming back in...

...that call was clear but faint...then over the next hour there were a few more, only two of which were clear...but that was it...too much ship noise...I figured the whales might be at the east end of Constance Bank, but that is just a guess...8 seconds of 3 faint calls - that's all!'s a wait and watch/listen for the whales...
AND's a time for action to recover the wild stocks of salmon...

It is urgent that there be enough salmon for the SRKWs.  It is their ocean and their waters and the humans have done more destruction than stewardship of these waters. And it is now time for that to change by way of actions of restoration.   


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