Thursday, September 12, 2013

9-10-13 Researchers From the Sky!

Tuesday, September 10th was a shore day for me, so when J and K pods came down island in the early afternoon, I headed for the park... I was walking down, thinking I had plenty of time, I began to hear 'the helicopter' - "oh, no! they're here already!" I thought to myself...
...I know you may be wondering what in the world I'm talking about...

...During the month of September (I believe) you may see or hear this helicopter when the whales are present... may think the noise is bothersome for you...but if you realize it is a good thing for the whales then just maybe it won't annoy least that's how it was when I told folks at Lime Kiln Pt. State Park.
...the last of the whales to pass by at the park was a large group of about 20 or so, and just south of the park the helicopter hovered...they were 1,000 feet up, I was told by one of the people in charge...the CWR boat, Orca, was on scene coordinating with the helicopter... is good to see that research can be done without having to poke and prod these endangered whales...
...please link here to Center for Whale Research Blog to read about the what is involved, what this aerial research is about, and see some images of the aerial photography work.  They are stunning.
And beyond the pretty pictures, the information gathered may reveal a story that will help persuade the powers that be that more needs to be done for these whales - like in the way of FOOD! 

I'm glad the whales are finally getting some salmon now, in September, but they sure were not getting food here the rest of the season.  One month does not make up for 4 months of little to no food for them in these waters. I believe something needs to be done to change that, or it will only get worse.

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