Friday, June 5, 2015

6-5-15 Who Said They Heard L Pod?

Friday, June 5th
...6:30 a.m. at Lime Kiln Pt. State Park...
...going up island...
...I didn't even see him coming...right along the rocks in front of the lighthouse! eagle after...

...something that small???
...looks like he was making sure he got his catch!
...ah, love this...someone else got a catch too!

...up island a ways...

...10 am - flipped and back down island...out on Peregrine with Capt. Jim...
...just when they were about to start picking up their speed...

...everyone started veering offshore and moving fast, west, toward Discovery Island...I thought for sure those L pod whales, from June 3rd, would be showing up again...
 ...the whales were spread along the west side of San Juan Island...maybe 8 miles..all now heading west at a fast pace and angling in toward one another... was J pod and as they began to slow down...
...they milled about for a few minutes...maybe listening...maybe waiting, maybe deciding what to do...and maybe asking:  "Who the heck said they heard L pod?"  "Why did we have to come all the way out here?"  "What? Is this a new exercise routine?"

...and they spent the rest of the day moving up island...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful day on the water. really appreciated your insights into the whales and how they live. it made the tour all that more special. Pix are great - you did a fantastic job. Helmut