Wednesday, January 29, 2014

1-29-14 Need a Whale 'Fix'?

Wednesday, January 29th

need a whale fix?'s a great one...

...As Close As Can Be...well, how about a sighting from New Zealand...what a great video clip...
...makes one smile on a dark/rainy/winter morning (or whatever you may be having) day...
Thanks for the great clip...

Ingrid Visser, researcher in New Zealand, might be able to identify these whales...from the eye patch, the male's dorsal fin, and the mom and calf...


NurturingNurse said...

Jeanne can you please comment on the Orca's that were taken? I'm unclear if they were taken from SJI.

Jeanne said...

Hi Tricia,
I looked up 'where were the orca for the sochi olympics captured?'
What I found, according to the article: they were captured in waters north of Japan. If you will type in that search you will get more information. Hope this helps.