Wednesday, September 7, 2016

9-7-16 Birthday Whales Galore!

Wednesday, September 7th was a whale of a birthday and it all began at about 2:15 in the morning when the whales woke me up over the Lime Kiln hydrophones...
...and they kept on, and on, and on...until finally at 5:30 I just had to get out there and see - in the dark? not! - what they were doing...
...they had begun to move up island and could be clearly heard over the Orca Sound hydrophones by 5:30...but I hadn't heard many L Pod calls, nor had I heard the L12s calls...hum...
...I soon found out!...some J and K pod whales were there too!

The only thing better would be to see the orcas spyhopping or lunging with salmon between their teeth!...or for that matter...lying on the surface with salmon on their heads :)  ...they will play with their food when there is plenty...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome video! Thanks for sharing.