Sunday, July 20, 2014

7-20-14 They Left Then Changed Their Minds

Sunday, July 20th
...I wasn't surprised to learn the whales were heading west in the Strait of Juan de Fuca this morning...being so spread out last evening when they came down Haro Strait made me think they might be gone...
...however, J pod, Onyx L-87, and K pod turned around and came back in, but the rest of the L pod whales continued west...
...out on Maya's Westside Charters to meet the whales...east of Race Rocks...moving very slowly in one large looked like a resting pattern but then one would breach...

...later on she spyhopped... took them many hours to reach the west side of San Juan Island...nearing Trial Island the whales woke up for a minute!...they were like a burst of fireworks going off...I missed most but managed to get stuff!

..when they got over to San Juan Island some went down island and others up island...
...Granny J-2 and Group A whales went up, along with K pod whales... was getting dark - there's one whale (a killer whale dot) in the distance going up and the near whale facing down...there was lots of foraging going on...
...some stalled out near the Orca Sound hydrophones (about four miles up island) for over an hour and a half...then it sounded like K pod whales over the Orca Sound hydrophones that were coming back down island at about 10:30 pm...

...will need daylight to try to see just who is where tomorrow...

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