This began similar to the previous encounter - whales far offshore, but this time the seas were calm, the sun was shining and a few of the whales surprised those of us along the shore as they passed by Lime Kiln lighthouse.
The whales were quite vocal too. There were a few people there and the whales really surprised them. Then I turned up the volume on the hydrophones and they were amazed that they were actually hearing the whales! Fun stuff!Just past the lighthouse, in a spot that used to be common for them to take a look for salmon, one of the whales changed direction and was actively foraging. Always hoping they are successful, and it sure looked like it! Nugget gave a great demonstration of what it looks like when they are chasing a salmon - lots of direction changes, two others came and joined in and then they were under the surface for a few minutes - eating? Likely. Because when they surfaced, they were in the same location and began to calmly move down island again.