Friday, January 1, 2016

1-1-16 Ending and Beginning

Ending 2015
8:29 pm on December 31, 2015 K Pod calls start to faintly come over the Port Townsend hydrophones...the calls didn't last very long - at first - a ferry came through and then more faint calls until about 9:25 pm.
That was about the best way I could spend New Year's Eve!
Beginning 2016
39 minutes into 2016 K Pod calls - again!...only this time they were coming over the Lime Kiln hydrophones...very faint, lasting just a few minutes.  "On the right track." I thought to myself...

1 hour and 47 minutes into 2016 K Pod calls - again! They were still coming over the Lime Kiln hydrophones but this time they were a bit louder and lasted about 30 minutes...

K Pod most likely headed back out the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
Succession of births
Perhaps the whales, for the time being, have ended this succession of births.

Taking care of those babies
Perhaps the whales are back in their 'routine', now that the babies are born.
-When looking back at all the things that occurred with the whales during 2015, what stands out are the unusual groupings, unusual travel locations, actually just about everything.  What was most unusual was the birth of 8 babies.  It all makes sense now.

Last year at this time there were what I called 'fish sounds' or 'burp sounds' that got my attention.  In years past I had noticed a relationship to those sounds and to when the whales would show up, so last year I got diligent in recording what and when.  There was a definite relationship between those sounds and then the appearance of the whales. It wasn't about fish that the whales were eating but instead it was about these fish sounds (burps) that occurred before the whales showed up, sometimes by several days and then ended when the whales arrived.
Observations of SRKWs and Fish Sounds - 3-10-15

The "Paul Revere' of the Whales Are Coming - 3-18-15

Those Fish Sounds and Then - 3-30-15

Fish Sounds tracking Spring 2015

The end of March got very busy.  The fish sounds diminished and with three new babies the variables changed.

Fish Sounds tracking Winter 2015
Since J Pod, especially, has been gone for many days now - last seen on 12/22 - it's a good time to start paying attention to see what occurs this winter:  basically it's what sounds increase in frequency in the hours or days before the whales show up?

So far, for at least the past week there have been no fish sounds over the hydrophones at all. 

The Southern Resident Killer Whales are endangered because they don't have enough food to eat - #1 basic need - food.
Basic need from the humans:  make sure you do everything you can to see that these whales have a chance at survival into the future. 
Sign the Petition
Send it on to your friends
Make the Phone Calls
Write letters
There's lots of information here:

Also support:
The Whale Museum

The Center for Whale Research

Check out their Facebook pages - lots of good information there as well.

I can write about it over and over, but if people only want to see these magnificent animals and yet not take the time to act on their behalf, well, then...
...every little action you take for the whales is a helpful action...



Unknown said...

Thank you very much for your posts full of information and encounters with a personal flair. Really enjoy reading through them an knowing where the whales are and what they're doing. Much appreciated. Removal of the Elwha seems like it is starting to reintroduce Chinook so let's look forward to the others coming down soon as well. Your right, we need to be active in protecting what we hold dear and keep at it because industry knows no limits. If enough of us make our concerns heard it does make a difference. Best regards for a great year in 2016!

Jeanne said...

Thank You Karen! Your comment is much appreciated and a great addition. The Elwha is the great example of what nature can and will do. Here's to healthy oceans and whales in 2016 and beyond.