Friday, June 1, 2018

6-1-18 Different Groups of Transients in Different Areas

Friday, June 1st
...whales in the early morning on the other side of the island going up...had to go see if I could find them... addition to the T101s, the T86As and the T124A2s were with them...the same group that passed by the lighthouse in the late afternoon yesterday... wasn't long before other groups of Transients were spotted in several different locations...and having an invite to get out on a boat...well, I couldn't resist...out on the Western Explorer II we headed south to where there were two different groups... group was the T65As...

...unusual image...
...reminds me...
...there was an additional whale with the T65As...
...T49A2's mother and siblings were several miles away and T29A2 had been in Puget Sound with the it will be interesting to see if they meet up somewhere along the way...
...we then headed over to the T49As who were off of Lopez Island...

...her oldest T49A1 was off to himself, while mom and the other three were in closer to shore...
...and then there was a harbor seal...looked like it was 'with' them instead of about to be 'lunch'... soon as they began getting serious about 'lunch', T49A1, who had been offshore, came in quickly...

...later in the day the T65As and T65A2 were way to the south and the T49As were in Rosario Strait heading up...
...two very different directions...

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