Wednesday, March 12, 2014

3-12-14 Signs of Spring and Then Some

Tuesday/Wednesday, March 11th and 12th
...from a visual standpoint the last few days have seemed a lot like spring...
...our first lamb of the season on Spieden Island...
...a bald eagle in the nest...

...when the Steller sea lions leave the area, well that's a sign of summer... often we see 183R but this time it was 16Y hauled out at Green Pt...
...and Dall's porpoise...they aren't a sign of spring, but it's a great treat to see them as we did... killer whales today...that is until word came in late in the day...the T60s and a few others - from what I heard - were north of of here...I wonder if they or the Dall's will be around tomorrow...

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