Tuesday, August 26, 2014

8/23-24/14 Another Split In the Making

Saturday, August 23rd
...it was J pod - inbound! - and it sounded as if all of them were together...
...out on Maya's Westside Charters, after seeing some Ts on an earlier trip, we headed for the Residents...

 ...that's DoubleStuf J-34...

...Granny and Onyx had headed up island, for a while anyway...then they both went back down island where the rest of the J pod whales were...
...at the end of 8/23 I had seen some members of each of the family groups in J pod and Onyx L-87, but I didn't see any K or L pod whales...

...so when the next morning I hear K pod calls on the Lime Kiln hydrophones...huh?...when we go out of the harbor (it was about 2:30) whales that were very spread out, were coming up island...
I saw Granny J-2...
...I didn't see Onyx L-87...he might be off foraging as he sometimes does...but I did see some members of the rest of Group A...
...all the K-12s...here's K-12 and K-43...
...the K13s...here's K-27 and K-44...
...and hen J-32 surfaced with Yoda K-36 of the K14 family, I knew they were present...
...and on second thought - what are 'The Cookies' doing here?!
...and they went up island...but where were the J17s and the J11s?...
...back home from the trip...all of a sudden I hear some calls on the Lime Kiln hydrophones...and they were very unusual...I had to go find out who it was...
...it was lucky for me, I guess, those whales had turned and were going back down island...
...now that was a surprise - the J17s and some L pod whales!
...at the end of 8/24 it was apparent there was another unusual split occurring...

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