Saturday, July 25, 2020

7-25-2020 Some K and L Pod Whales Came for a Quick Visit

July 24th and 25th

July 24th
Three K Pod whales and 19 L Pod whales came in from the north...
It usually takes a couple days to get down here and we have no idea what they will do.  On July 24th the whales had been coming down but were not seen by anyone until about 4pm... would take until almost dark...would they make it to the lighthouse before darkness set in?

...July 25th
...they were here but, once again not seen right off, giving them a bit more quiet time...
...the whales stayed off the south end of the island and eventually went up San Juan Channel...I wondered if they would continue or if they would flip and come back south...they've done that multiple times in the past...
...well they did...and since I hadn't seen them all day off I headed to Cattle Pass hoping to get there before they came down...

...the pass can have some very strong current and when they came down and into the more narrow section of the pass they were going backwards due to that current...they looked like they were in a jacuzzi! took a while and then they worked their way across toward San Juan Island and out of that strong current and you could see clearly how their travel changed...'s often a fun place to watch the whales from!

...and back to the open ocean they did go...
...when will they be here?
...hopefully when there is enough salmon to eat. the meantime...I'll be trying to figure out what Blogger did...cause they changed their format...

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Friday, July 17, 2020

7-17-2020 How Long Will You Watch Them Today?

July 17th

previous days - once up north and came down Rosario, once off the west side but stayed way south...

and on this day...they spent hours and hours in view from Lime Kiln...
the title of this post, because someone had asked me that question...

...however, that is once again an indicator that the salmon are scarce, so they are spreading out for miles...that too is why they need quiet seas, as much is at all possible...
...some question the big ships that are passing through...that's just it 'passing through'.  The ECHO Program of the Vancouver Port Authority notifies vessels when Southern Residents are in the area and they slow down...granted it takes a few miles for a ship to slow it's speed but they helps reduce the noise as the ship moves through...once through the seas quiet again.
...however, constant noise from small vessels contribute noise that sometimes is present most the the day...
...we need to put the whales first and 'become like a SRKW' and think about what we, as an orca, need in order to have a less stressed day, a day of being able to locate those few salmon, a day of not having to constantly be 'looking over your shoulder' to factor in that 'log' (i.e. kayak, paddle board, etc) or factor in that noise that just interrupted caring for my offspring...
...yes, please 'become that orca' and if more people would think that way there would be a greater chance of many changes to help these whales.
...okay, end of my...

so back to the day July 17th...

, How Long Will I Watch Them Today?  Until I can no longer see or hear was a very long day watching and am grateful for every may also have been a very long day for the whales, even though they were not traveling miles and miles, they were spending their energy searching for what salmon there are out there...

Sunday, July 12, 2020

7-12-2020 And the Day Has Begun

July 12th (correction it was the 14th)
...early morning, standing on a hill, high above the water...

...after doing some foraging...they eventually went back down island...

I continue to wonder if they are finding enough food...but I think they must because otherwise they would be gone...
...well, this seems to be the best restaurant in the sea, for now at least...

Be well whales,
Eat all you can,
You don't eat all the fish - you're smarter than the humans in that way.
You allow for salmon to reproduce and prosper, just like you are trying to do.
Maybe we'll see you tomorrow and we will learn more.