Wednesday, June 24, 2015

6-24-15 Glad the Whales Know What They Are Doing

Monday-Wednesday, June 22-24

...glad the whales know what they are doing, because we surely don't!

Monday whale coming down from the was Cali K-34...all by himself, or so it seemed...15 minutes later the rest of the K13s showed up, the K14s, the K12s, Granny's group - Group A, including the J16s, and the 15 L pod whales...

...back to the north late in the day...the mix of whales was different...and the glaring sun didn't help matters...
...Granny's group - Group A and NOT the J16s, the K12s, K13s, K14s, and the L55s and possibly the L86s, and L27...and NOT the L47s...

...Group B, Cappuccino K-21 and the K16s had stayed down with the J16s...

...coming down from the north were the sames ones who had gone up the prior afternoon - whew!

...out on Peregrine a couple of the kids sure looked to be having some fun! the late afternoon, spread out whales...heading up island...grouped up together...the same whales who had come down earlier in the day AND Nigel L-95...AND this time they turned and went back down island...

...early morning going north...glimpse of members of Group A and the J16s, and Lobo K-26 in my pics...and they kept going north...
...and then two other groups both going up and then back and both about 5 miles apart...
...10:00 a.m. the 15 L pod whales - all together again - coming up island...
...but by 11:00 a.m. they turned and were coming back down island. the same time K pod whales were coming up island and turned and went back down island...

...about an hour later the 15 Ls came up island and a couple miles behind them the K pod whales in a tight group...
...guess what they did next? 
...yes, you're right, only this time they moved about 3 miles offshore and headed back down Haro Strait...

...tomorrow I think I'll start at square 1 again! 


Melissa Howes said...

Thank you so much for your blogs, I enjoy reading them and hearing your updates (all the way from Florida) Was wondering if all member of the 3 pods have been spotted at one point or another this summer? Thanks again!

Jeanne said...

Hi Melissa,
So far not all the whales have been seen. Historically some don't come in until mid-June, so hopefully any day now.